Hark, a Cold Wind Blows from the West!
January 29, 2023

Sign Up

Virtual Aul Graeve will return on January 29, 2023.

You must sign up again using the form below to participate in this year's gift exchange

Aul Graeve celebrates the story of Theodorus' venture into the darkness of the unknown and triumph of rebirth in light. In a time filled with so much darkness and uncertainty, so too must we venture into the unknown in hopes of capturing the sun's light.

Many things will change. Many will not. Gifts will be exchanged, songs will be sung, and Aul Graeve will continue to live on in our hearts and in our homes.

This year's Aul Graeve will feature a gift exchange via mail. We will randomly assign you to a recipient and ask you to ship them an Aul Graeve gift. We ask that you document the gift in its "wrapped" state, as well as an "unboxing" video of the gift you receive.

As always, the rules for Aul Graeve gifts are:

  • It cannot be something you bought. It must be made, found or stolen by you.
  • It must be wrapped in something that is not wrapping paper.

You must sign up below if you wish to receive more information. If you participate in the remote gift exchange, you will be sent a match by December 23. Please prepare your gifts to be shipped by January 15.